Sex and gender differences in Invasive and non invasive neurotechnologies


This chapter is part of the book “Sex and Gender Bias in Technology and Artificial Intelligence: Biomedicine and Healthcare Applications”, which will be published this upcoming March 2022.

The book details the integration of sex and gender as critical factors in innovative technologies (artificial intelligence, digital medicine, natural language processing, robotics) for biomedicine and healthcare applications. By systematically reviewing existing scientific literature, a multidisciplinary group of international experts analyze diverse aspects of the complex relationship between sex and gender, health and technology, providing a perspective overview of the pressing need of an ethically-informed science. The reader is guided through the latest implementations and insights in technological areas of accelerated growth, putting forward the neglected and overlooked aspects of sex and gender in biomedical research and healthcare solutions that leverage artificial intelligence, biosensors, and personalized medicine approaches to predict and prevent disease outcomes. The reader comes away with a critical understanding of this fundamental issue for the sake of better future technologies and more effective clinical approaches.

Sex and Gender Bias in Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Key Features

  • First comprehensive title addressing the topic of sex and gender biases and artificial intelligence applications to biomedical research and healthcare
  • Co-published by the Women’s Brain Project, a leading non-profit organization in this area
  • Guides the reader through important topics like the Generation of Clinical Data, Clinical Trials, Big Data Analytics, Digital Biomarkers, Natural Language Processing

You can preorder the book here.
